Start the day from historic Tiberius, where Jesus lived, sojourned, and preached on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Our next destination will be Capernaum, the center of Jesus ministry. On to Tabaha, just north of Tiberius, the site of Christ’s miracle of feeding the 5,000 and at the Church of Multiplication, where the mosaic floor depicts a basket with loaves and two fishes. We drive on to the Mount of Beatitudes overlooking the Sea, where Jesus preached the “Sermon on the Mount” and it is be-lieved that Jesus picked his 12 apostles. We ascend to the Golan Heights to view the panoramic view of the peaks of Mt. Hermon, the rugged plateau of the Golan Heights, and beneath it the green pastoral Hula Valley. Return to Tiberius for another lovely night in town